
Friday, February 9, 2018

Evening Ruffle: Then & Now

Fashion is constantly changing and evolving. Sometimes it goes to an extreme one season and paired down the next. It also varies from era to era with traces of fashion's past always present in today's collections.


This is how an evening ruffle was done in the 80's - nothing at all understated, major volume, extreme ruffle layers. Nothing was really understated about the 80's, big hair, bold colors and volume/embellished evening wear.

Shop this 1980's 'Bonny Fashion' Gown HERE $150

With the spaghetti straps gone, the ruffle is minimized for cocktail hour with this Badgley Mischka dress

So what's your evening ruffle style? EXTREME 80's or Understated 2018?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Dear Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson

I wanted to write a post to Katheryn Hudson known to the world as Katy Perry after spending my birthday (and celebrating my daughter's 10th) at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento to WITNESS her latest tour spectacle. I brought along my 15 year sold step-daughter and both girls enjoyed their very first concert.

This is a post of gratitude. 

Dearest Katheryn,

As a parent (and step-parent) of girls it is important that they have real role models. I work hard to lead by example but girls like to rebel against their mother's best efforts and guidance to forge their own path. I did it (sorry mom) and now so are my girls.They need to look to strong women outside of their home. That someone was you on the stage in Sacramento, swathed in sequins and Swarovski crystals. My girls hung on your every word and I was impressed by the series of messages you had throughout the show.

Clearly you are talented and creative but I was so pleased and inspired to see what a great sense of humor you have and a humbleness and wisdom that only comes from experience and getting kicked around by life and loved ones and getting up again, stronger and better. 

The call to your father was a great example. It is a sweet, humorous gesture that had an impact on my girls. To remind everyone in the audience to spend more time with loved ones, to always tell them that you love them was extremely important. It also inspired my girls to turn to me in the midst of your giant telephone moment and tell me that they love me and thank me for bringing them to your show.

After sitting on Saturn and orbiting over our heads you chose that boy from the audience and discussed the importance of collective energy, positive energy, intention, and putting it out there for manifestation by wishing on your star, again so eloquently done dripping in diamond hair, a silver sequin bodysuit and sparkle intergalactic footwear. I trust someone in sequins over an asshole in a suit any day and apparently so do my girls. Your discussion about material items not being the symbol of success but how happiness is truly all that matters in this life was a poignant one. It is sad that many (including your on stage guest) envy the fame and fortune you have but fail to see the other side of the proverbial coin. The shit you take, leeches you deal with, things you have sacrificed to be in the position you are in.  It was striking when above all your declaration of happiness is all that matters. These statements resonated immediately and I could see it in my girls eyes. All that society celebrates isn't what is important at all, but their eyes collectively glaze over when I start preaching about this simple truth but somehow your message got though to them. 

 And most of all, Thank you for sharing your music, joy, pain, talents and triumphs with the world. The look on my daughters face is the most meaningful manifestation of your work. The people you help with your lyrics/music and message. The girls self esteem you assist in building. The people going through hard times that your songs uplift and elevate. The singers, songwriters, poets and performance artists that you inspire to keep following their dreams.

When we put ourselves out there what we risk in vulnerability and judgment pales in comparison to the happiness and inspiration we can give to others. So when you feel unmotivated, judged, exhausted and wonder why the hell you do all of this whilst icing your knees and rocking those yoga toes .. please remember my daughters photo above and my gratitude as a parent and a woman. The future is FEMALE because of women standing up and sharing their truth, lessons, mistakes and inspiring those to do the same, to heal and to live their best lives.

I wish I could have said all of this to you in person in Sacramento ... next time.

Thank you.