
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Extraordinary Entertaining: Ed Libby & Co.

Ed Libby is a creative force in the event planning business. He is an entrepreneur, visionary and kind hearted guy. Ed has created fantasy's and visual displays that transport you to an alternate universe of flowers, crystals, luxe linens and lights. Whatever the client can conceive Ed and his team create.

The Vision

Ed's Reality

He is the party planner to the stars for their weddings, birthdays, corporate events and charity fundraisers. Ed's client base is a who's-who on both coasts and several continents. He's on speed dial for all of Kimora Lee Simmons events of Fabulosity proportions. Jennifer Lopez, P. Diddy, Usher, J Lo, La La and Fergie are among those on Ed's impressive client list.

Ed & Kimora

Ed & P. Diddy

Ed & Usher

He is extremely detailed oriented as many creative individuals are and there are no items too outlandish or too far away for Ed and his team to acquire to make your event more than a night to remember. Imported chargers, exotic linens and custom made items are all part of his creative process; bringing his clients vision and dreams to a reality. How about a chocolate stiletto? DONE:

I had the opportunity to ask the the guru of glamour a few questions regarding his business, creativity and inspiration.

LISAG: Where did Ed Libby & Co. Start?

ED: Already an illustrator, my first official job was as a driver in a flower shop at age 18. This job opened my eyes and many opportunities and before I knew it I was designing an elite fashion party attended by the "Who's Who" of New York City, and the rest as they say, is history!

J Lo Specialty Lounge Sketch

LISAG: I have read that flowers are a substantial part of your design visions? What are your favorites to work with? explain?

ED: I don’t have a favorite necessarily, but I do enjoy using roses, primarily because they come in such a range of colors and have great texture; I love using flowers as sculptural components. Using florals to communicate with an audience via their color, texture and tone is paramount to the literal type of flower.

La La & Melo's Wedding

LISAG: What inspires you?

ED: Most recently, The Alexander McQueen exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. One visit left me with enough inspiration for ten new event designs; I have been back five times since. This type of inspiration is typical for me, our design sensibility is certainly influenced by what's going down the fashion runways - we design in seasons and take inspiration as to what’s on the forefront. Our clients are on the cutting edge and their events are reflections of their style.

LISAG: Do you have design or creative influences?

ED: Having offices on both the East and West coasts keeps me constantly traveling, and I always have my camera. I snap shots of window displays, architecture, things as simple as a gracious napkin fold at a restaurant or the heel of a woman's shoe - any one of these things can provide inspiration for an entire event.

LISAG: What was your favorite party or event to plan? and why?

ED: Whichever event im working on at the moment is my favorite. We are lucky that so many of our clients are from the fashion, music or entertainment industries so we are always working on something amazing and innovative.

J Lo Lounge Sketch

LISAG: Are you bi-costal? Where is your base?

ED: After 25 years of being based in New York City and being involved in events all over the country and abroad, we opened a West Coast division with the help of long time celebrity clients such as Kimora Lee Simmons and Jennifer Lopez. Our West Coast division is now a significant focus for our new business and has opened us up to new opportunities, new clients and exciting new events!

J Lo & Marc Anthony ~ Cake Delivery

LISAG: Can you tell us the price ranges for one of your Extravaganzas ?

ED: Part of our job is being able to read the client and understand their level of entertaining and expectations for their event. Whether it be a simple first birthday party for their child or an elaborate over the top wedding celebration- we can produce a range of events, keeping quality and style at the forefront. Clients are very important to us and we look forward to working with them over a lifetime of entertaining on all levels.

Aoki Lee Simmons Black & White CHANEL Birthday (Make a Wish Event)

LISAG: Any interesting projects on your horizon you can tell my readers about?

ED: I'm sure you will be reading about them soon! Despite our commitment to utter discretion, we create some phenomenal parties for some very high-profile clients which are guaranteed to make the headlines.

Ed with Sara the Dutchess of York (Fergie), Miss USA & Miss Universe

LISAG: What advice would you give any creative entrepreneurs? What does it REALLY take to reach the level you have?

ED: Unwavering commitment to your vision and yourself. Do not be discouraged and never, EVER give up!

A DIY tip for Evolution Revolution readers to plan a fast and fabulous party ....

ED Says: Go shopping in your own home - pull out your vintage china pieces, platters and bowls and combine them with fresh fruits and flowers from the local grocery store or your own backyard to create a stunning and glamorous tablescape. Create a menu around one or two dishes you can prepare yourself and complement with a few select take out dishes from your favorite restaurant to create a lavish and impressive buffet. Celebrate life and every moment with glamour and style!

No matter what your vision, budget or event ~ Ed is a wonderful example that hard work and creativity never goes out of style AND anything is possible!

Take a peek into Ed's world and plan your next event:


  1. Always love to see my hubby's drawings online! CHECK IT OUT

