
Thursday, June 9, 2011


Gratitude. An emotion often felt but not expressed often enough in words and even less in gesture or action. I have just celebrated one of the most joyous and suffered one of the most traumatic moments in my life. The birth of my son Blake. I had a very fast and traumatic natural delivery which left my new born son blue, virtually lifeless and fighting to breath in the NICU. What was anticipated by me to be one of the happiest days of my life ended up being one of the most stressful and horrifying quite frankly.

Now that the initial shock has worn off, oxygen tubes removed and Blake has been safely delivered to his new home I have had time to reflect on my personal gratitude, blessings and gifts.

My gratitude extends beyond the delivering midwife, nurses at French Hospital and those in the special care nursery who cared for Blake 24/7 (literally). My eternal gratitude goes to my chosen family of Central Coast Sisters who unselfishly sprung into action to help me start picking up the pieces and ensuring that structure that surrounded me stayed strong. I did not have the strength from my little mini-alcatraz a.k.a. hospital bed to express my gratitude, until now.

THANK YOU - for the visits, lunches, laughs, gifts and TIME. For cleaning my home, doing my laundry and grocery shopping. For the food in the freezer, flowers and hugs. The Half Black/Half passion, no sugar. For the available ear to listen, the shoulder to cry and the warm arms I needed to hold me when my husbands were too exhausted. For the positive energy, prayer and vibes sent to me every moment of every day. For all this and more I am sincerely GRATEFUL.

I raise my glass to the following special ladies in my life

who each in their own fabulous ways have helped me through this time and enriched my life in general.

Thank you Maggie (Hair Stylist extraordinaire) for making a house call, reviving my locks, bringing dinner, clothes for Blake and so much support and LOVE! xo I now feel like a human being again ... one with fabulous hair ;) xo

A shout out to my digital support team! Thank you for all the lovely messages, texts, BBM's, Tweets and Facebook messages during the dark days and beyond. Even though we were geographically separated your love and support was felt each day; JESSIE, CHELSA, CINDY, LAURA, NICOLE, KERRY, My cousins/brothers: CHRIS & COLIN, JO JO, KRISTEN, MARIE, .. and my Facebook and Twitter Family. I can honestly say that your wishes, prayers and positive energy helped and reached us.

To My Sister Lori; My gratitude can never really be expressed in words for your grand gesture of love to our family. Jumping on a plane and flying 2,700 miles at first word that Blake's situation was less than ideal is amazing! You left your busy life that is full of responsibly to your job(s), kids and derby team to come and help with Kaleigh, tend to my household, make me laugh and cheer me. Most of all unselfishly lending your ear and heart to my feelings and struggle. I will be eternally thankful for both your actions and words during this time.

To my Mother; I can never properly articulate my gratitude for all your help during this time and over my entire life. You have always been there for me and I am FOREVER thankful to you and your generous heart and soul. You have been an amazing mother to me and Lori and an even more amazing grandmother (Nanny) to Kaleigh and Blake. I love you.

Special Thanks to TORI and KIMORA who have taken the time to inquire about Blake, provide words of support and encouragement and illustrate through words and action what amazing women they are.


Start a gratitude journal today. Each day write at least one thing you are grateful for. At the end of the year you will have at least 365 reasons to celebrate your life and the people in it!


There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude. ~Robert Brault


  1. You are VERY WELCOME :)
    <3 wheely Nasty "Aunt Flo"
    Thoughts and Prayers are still with you xo

  2. Patty Mcspadden StevensJune 9, 2011 at 6:44 PM

    You r very welcome would be there in a second for you and your beautiful family in a moments notice you are a amazing woman and are going to more of a amazing mother to Blake love you sister Lisa...:)

  3. Lisa you are such a beautiful person, a Fantastic Mom and amazing at what you do. My daughter Jennifer speaks very highly of you and I have gotten to know you here a wee bit on Facebook. I hope to meet you someday to ((hug)) you and thank you for your inspiration. I would also like to send Blake a set of my G-Bugs, "Gratitude Bugs" books as a token of friendship and appreciation. I realize he is too young to read them, the illustrations are vibrant and beautiful, something he would enjoy just looking at. If you would like to send me your address in a private message on facebook, I will send them to you very soon:) xo Gratefully and with admiration, Jackie Jones
