
Thursday, September 1, 2011

SUCCESS: How Bad Do You Want It?

I gather inspiration and motivation from various sources; LIVE or DIGITAL they both have served to change my thinking and motivate me. Sometimes during our daily grind we all need an infusion of hope, positivity, inspiration or motivation to keep moving forward.

Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with inspirational quotations. I use my social networks on a daily basis to spread my obsession and words of wisdom. A few days ago someone returned the favour (Thanks Fernando!). A friend I worked with, what seems a million years ago re-stoked my fire to succeed and build my dreams at any cost by posting this video to his Facebook wall.

This will be the best 5 minutes you have ever spent if you want to be successfull.

(Voice over provided by ET - Eric Thomas: The Hip Hop Preacher - Author of the book "The secret to SUCCESS: When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe")

So Do You REALLY want to be SUCCESSFUL? Remember you only fail if you QUIT!

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