
Friday, October 14, 2011

Blake's Story: DOWN but not OUT

In honor of National Down Syndrome Awareness Month I teamed up with my friend and loving mother of 3 Tori Spelling and contributed my story to the Raise section of her eMAG EdiTORIal yesterday.

Read My Story: DOWN but not OUT HERE

Blake 2 days old - Special Care

This was my reality in the first week of Blake's life. He fought to be here and it was his courage that inspired mine.

As I look back on the last 5 months of Blakes growth I am forced to think of my own. Never has my character been so tested, my constitution so tried or my values and belief system so rocked. What I have realized is that our energy, collectively is best spent celebrating our differences and not judging them. We are ALL guilty of it (Myself included). What a boring, generic world we would live in if we were all the "same" or "similar". Where applicable apply the label of LOVE only.

The comments I have received from my family, friends and most of all virtual strangers in the last 24 hours have been overwhelming to say the least. I cried a lot yesterday while reading the public comments as I realized how many amazing, genuine, good hearted people in there are in this world, more than enough to drown out the negative, ignorant ones.

I look forward to what the future will hold with Blake and the rest of my family. A future that is unknown for all of us. We will enjoy our moments together confident in the fact that the world may knock us DOWN but they will never take us OUT! This is just the first you are hearing from me but I fully intend on becoming a LOUD voice of advocacy and information as I strive to give children with DS a voice. Sharing facts, and feelings in an intelligent and empowering way! I am PROUD of my son's extra chromosome ... Turns out thankfully MORE is MORE xo

"Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do." - William Henry Channing

For more information about Down Syndrome visit the NDSS website.

Want to read more personal stories from the DS community? Many mothers reached out to me yesterday and shared their virtual spaces of LOVE!

Kellie: Enjoying the Small Things
Christine: Brody's Buddy Ride
Amy: GiGi's Playhouse
Kayla: Loving Austin
C. Smith: Results Not Typical
Amy: Mayson
R-WORD: Pledge to choose your words wisely and kindly!

Julie: Nina's Story


  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Lisa. Some moments, like right now, when talking to a new mama, I feel like an old pro. Others, I'm still scrambling to make sense of everything that's still so new and different for me and my family. But, really, it's not bad, just different. I'm always willing to share my experiences, so if you ever want to talk to an open book, or just have someone who gets it to listen, I'm here. Seriously, I love that stuff.

    And, because I didn't say so to you earlier, Blake is FLIPPIN' CUTE! Enjoy him to pieces, k?

  2. Thanks so much for your reply. It really means a lot to know the support for Blake and I is out there! XOXOXO

  3. I saw your story about your son with Down Syndrome on twitter & thought this might inspire you #worlddownsyndromeday #321 Down Syndrome Marathon Runner

  4. WOW! AMAZING!! Very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing XOXOXO

  5. This is incredible. Truly gorgeous. How old is he now? I worked with kids with downs syndrome for years when I was younger. They are the best people. Never been religious, but when I was with them I always felt like they r infused with god, or light, or soul, or joy. I dunno. Blake is a lucky boy, can't wait to meet you both!


  6. Awwww Thank you so much! Blake now is 14 months old and my greatest teacher. I'm not religious either but strangely feel like he chose me. XOX We can't wait to meet you too doll.
