
Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Motivation: WIN

Photo: Lisa Graystone - Atascedero State Beach, Morro Bay, California (Feb 2009 Sunset)

Sadly the term "winning" has been recently associated with Charlie Sheen's rantings but the term really has a more universal applicability and a REAL positive connotation, that has little to do with fame, money or EGO .. but inner strength to carry on.

"A Winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his (her) tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his (her) goals" - Larry Bird

How do you define "Winning" in your life?

Personally getting up each day with the ability to smile, move forward through the day and overcome it's obstacles for me is a WIN! I don't find life to be EASY to navigate or striking a balance something I am even close to obtaining but if you really break it down by the day it is not so overwhelming and a little bit easier to digest. A real WINNER is the person who keeps moving forward in a positive manner despite the onslaught of daily negativity, discouragement and failures!

Do YOU have what winners are made of? DIG DEEP and keep pushing forward and I can guarantee you a WIN!

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