
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving (and other holidays)always makes me stop to take a life inventory; count my blessings and share my gratitude with everyone in my life. I'm left wondering why we all don't do this all year? It literally took me a few moments to tweet, update facebook status, send a group MMS and make a few calls to say "Thank You" and "I Love You". During the holiday season I really do take time to look around. I have observed that people are much more polite, courteous, thoughtful, expressive and kind. I wonder why it takes a Hallmark holiday to make us all become human again (this includes the Christmas holiday season which I guess in America officially starts tomorrow, Black Friday style!).

Today, again I am going to take this digital opportunity to say THANKS to everyone who has blessed my life; my beautiful children Kaleigh Rain and Blake, my amazing husband who loves and supports me like no other, my family and friends spread throughout North America .... The Canucks and Yanks. I am also going to make a pledge to be more aware and expressive regarding my gratitude. The best gift I was given; this amazing life I have (thanks mom). I am completely guilty of letting my fast paced life sweep me away in a sea of responsibility, work and obligation with perceived little time left for expressing my appreciation to those who are a part of my universe. This also extends to random strangers and 'the little things'. There are really no excuses not to be present, slow down and say THANKS.

Life is full of struggle, tough times, disappointments and not so amazing moments but it is the thankfulness and appreciation for the great ones that makes life a truly extraordinary experience! NONE of us navigate this life alone. So THANK YOU to all of you who have loved me, helped me, laughed and cried with me, supported me and those who continue to travel with me down my path!

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