
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary David

3 years ago today on a Central Coast beach was the day my life changed. I was blessed with the opportunity to marry and commit myself to the love of my life and soul mate.
I used to think that terms like "soul mate" were a total Hallmark Cliche, until my wedding day.

David and I met randomly in Nashvile, TN in June of 2006 and the rest, as they say is history. We had the Canada/US border between us and several other factors which did not dissuade our destiny. As I live and breathe I KNOW David is who I am supposed to spend my life with. He is the most amazing husband, friend, business partner, co-parent and person, period. I could not have asked for a better father for our 2 love babies; Blake & Kaleigh Rain. After a long road we were finally able to face each other, Dec 8, 2008 at Spooner's Cove; and make our lifelong promise to one another. The day still seems like a dream.

David, I truly love you. You have made my life come to life and for all that you have given me I will be forever grateful. Your love, support, kindness, respect and generosity mean more to me than words could ever convey. My angel, my all, my other self. CHEERS to 50 more years!! I sincerely look forward to each day as we walk our life path together ...

~ Lisa


Professional Images from our wedding were shot by ERIN of Studio 317 (

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