
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday: It's a Hard Knock Life

I had the honor of being a guest blogger on the web site (A Business, Information and Motivational web site created by Designer and Internet Mogul - Loren Ridinger). This piece was previously published there. I have been thinking about the concept lately and wanted to share it here again:

We all get “knocked around” by life via disappointments, circumstances or repercussions from the decisions we have made. If I had a dime for every time I have heard the phrase “it’s not fair”; or until a few years ago, a dime for every time I used it. The statement is true though, much of what is thrown at us in life could potentially fall under the “it’s not fair” category. But what if today we acknowledge this to be a truth, release the expectation of life being ‘fair’ and get right back up in order to move forward. I have found that one does not seem to be so disappointed if you have no expectations to begin with.

What if when life knocks you down, instead of lying there and playing your “it’s not fair” card you STAND UP and evaluate what you STAND FOR? And who you will Stand by? Or conversely who will stand by you? How you Stand up for yourself makes all the difference in where you stand in life. Turn life’s unfairness into the most invaluable item(s) you have – LESSONS. It can be a time for evaluation; not a ‘why me’ moment but what can I learn from this? How can I grow? You can stand up and be a teacher; lead by example and transform your circumstances into a positive lesson or a motivator to do or be better. The knock downs don’t have to be knock outs but can be viewed as an opportunity. Embrace the fact that life WILL knock you down, it is how you stand back up that matters. Like that old adage; if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

Check out this video on "How Winners Are Made" and make the conscious decision each day are you are going to let life knock you down? or are you going to get right back up again? It is all up to YOU.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pretty Bird: Obsessed

I totally love prints and feathers, none more than the Peacock feather. I am always excited to share my latest "Obsessions" and this one is no exception. The Peacock Feather Printed tights courtesy of Look from London!!
My only task at this point is choosing a color to purchase these fabulous leggings in. Black with no question but I also may have to grab a pair in mustard, Cerise and Grey :) With 11 colors to chose from there is something for everyone!!

I also LOVE that they are worn on the front OR back!

The front is so unexpected and the back is so CHIC! Your entire look changes with a quick shoe swap from a boot to a metallic sandal to a bootie to a heel.

They also have 2 peacocks "kissing" as a print on tights (Kissing Birds) - I'll take a pair; Black on Mustard Please!! oooooo and Black on Stone too ;) Make a leg-licious statement for under $35.

Not ready to get leggy? Try strutting your stuff in the rubber boot from Chooka for $60

Got a Passion for Peacock AND Purses? Try this fabulous statement piece form Evolution Vintage.

Fascination with Feathers? Check out THIS Blog post!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Creative Organization: TIPS

If you read this blog you will know that 2012 for me means 2 things: More ME time AND I am on a personal quest to turn my creatively disorganized self into little miss Organized!

To that end I am gathering EVERY piece of organizational information to make my life easier. I live in literal organized chaos and need to simplify my life to make it easier for me to prioritize and get it all done ... and done WELL.

I wanted to share a few household organizational tips that may help you "get it together" for 2012 and keep it that way. I always get forwards via e-mail and this one sent recently by my mom gave me a few AH-HA Organizational moments.

Got a ton of unsightly, left over grocery bags? No worries; Re-use a "Wet Wipes" or "Baby Wipe" container and store your bags. Take it a step further all you DIY-er's and decoupage(découpage) the containers with custom images and/or designs to match your home decor.

Use your old bread tags to organize all of the cords under your desk. They make the perfect size labels too.

What once was a muffin baking pan is now a craft caddy for the kids!! Magnets hold the plastic cups down to make them tip-resistant.

Brilliant space-saver: install a tension rod to hang your spray bottles.

Linen Storage: Store your bedding sets inside one of the matching pillow cases. No more hunting around for a match and everything is all stored neatly together.


They Sky's The Limit: Use wire to make a space overhead to store gift wrap rolls against the ceiling, rather than cluttering up the floor.

Re-Purpose your egg cartons to store all your Christmas decor.


Magnetic storage for all your loose metal items, like bobby pins, tweezers, clippers and more! Use a magnetic strip and mount behind a vanity door.

Tired of finding a place to store all of your children's stuffed toys?? I know I am. Avoid this completely by installing a Velcro strip to the wall and attaching all the soft toys ... I wonder what my daughters room would look like with a border of stuffed toys. Oh, the possibilities!

How do you stay organized??? Share your tips and tricks with me by leaving a comment! I need your help for my 2012 transformation.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Let me start by extending a BIG THANK YOU to for starting a much needed public dialogue about inclusion and equality for all children but specifically children with Down Syndrome. For me, inclusion is implied considering Down Syndrome has been part of the human condition since the beginning of time, but it turns out there are still a lot of closed minds and hearts out there.

Noah's Dad (Rick) hosts and writes a blog that chronicles his and his wife's life with their beautiful son Noah. He recently posted his thoughts and a thank you to Target for including a model in a recent ad campaign who happens to have Down Syndrome. He also thanked the retail giant Nordstrom for including the same model in their recent Anniversary catalogue. I am HAPPY to report that this post caught the attention of mainstream media which in turn has opened up a dialogue about inclusion, embracing our differences and celebrating them. It is through education and awareness we can start to make and see societal changes.

My son Blake has Down Syndrome and I am so PROUD that he does. He can be a representative of equality, life and LOVE in our judgemental world. Blake and I have committed our voices to the fight for EQUALITY and INCLUSION for ALL regardless of gender, race, perceived disability, sexual orientation or any other "difference" from the herd mentality. 3 cheers for NOAH and NOAHSDAD.COM for starting this important dialogue. I am excited to see what power the media has for more inclusion for members of the Down Syndrome community.

This media coverage makes me excited because I now wonder are we really evolving as a human race? as a society? are our generic and limited views of beauty changing? are big corporations now going to send a message of inclusion and equality? rather than corporate greed and a herd mentality? I look forward to getting these questions answered. In the meantime organizations like the NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) and people like Rick are working to educate and inspire the world to open up their hearts and in turn their eyes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get The Look: My NYE 2012

NYE is a great time to get your sparkle on ... some women wait for this day to shine but I wear sequins to the grocery store in my sleepy coastal California surfing town. Of course I would have to break it out to wave goodbye to 2011 and celebrate all the possibilities that 2012 will bring.

With FAB Bubbly in hand (Veuve Clicquot) I rocked in 2012 in the following look:

Of course it is an eclectic mix of Fashions Past (Vintage) and Fashions Present!


Vintage Sequin Top from EVOLUTION VINTAGE:

Forever 21 Stretch Skinny Jeans:

Patricia Field Five Finger Half Gloves - BLACK

Under my gloves I ROCKED a Sally Hensen Nail Effects Dry Manicure (Faux Snake Skin Print)
Black Women's Nicholette Peep Toe Bootine (The first time I have ever got a pair of boots/shoes from PAYLESS and I LOVE them!!)

Don't limit your sparkle to NYE - Make sequins a part of your celebratory wardrobe, take it to dinner, cocktails or anywhere just because YOU ARE FABULOUS!!



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Opportunity can be defined as "a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances" and/or "a favorable or suitable occasion or time". I recently had been presented with a situation that at first glance was at the worst possible time AND the circumstances were certainly not advantageous to me; but things are not always what they seem. Upon further reflection what was first perceived as a road block was an opportunity in disguise. An opportunity for positive change in my life and for personal growth. All of the work will be up to me to convert my current truth into an opportunity for personal evolution. My husband, the perpetual truth teller in my life was the catalyst to the opportunity. Thanks honey xo

Have you ever missed an opportunity because of its disguise? or has a situation presented itself that your initial reaction was not positive but upon deeper reflection morphed itself into an opportunity?

Take the time to look at all the circumstances and situations life presents to you. Can you turn them into opportunities? and change your perception to make the stumbling blocks of life your stepping stones?

"I do not ask to walk smooth paths nor bear an easy load. I pray for strength and fortitude to climb the rock strewn road. Give me such courage and I can scale the hardest peaks alone, And transform every stumbling block into a stepping stone." ~ Gale Brook Burket

Friday, January 6, 2012

LaBlast into 2012

January is all about resolutions, goals and dreams for the year ahead. It is a month full of promise when you are completely motivated to make all the changes to yourself and your life.

One of my goals this year is to put myself "back on the list" and take more time for self care so I can be a better person for my family, friends and clients. One of my self care items is FITNESS! I am SO EXCITED to try the new DVD Dance Fitness series from pro dancer, fitness instructor, equality activist and friend LOUIS VAN AMSTEL available JANUARY 17th called LaBlast!

According to their website LaBlast can be defined like this: "LaBlast is an innovative partner-free dance fitness program created by world renowned dancer, choreographer and fitness expert Louis Van Amstel. The program is designed to be an affordable alternative to private dance and/or workout lessons. Classes are a one-hour cardio dance fitness workout using elements from several types of dance forms, including:
Cha Cha Cha
Lindy Hop
Paso Doble
Quick Step

LaBlast uniquely incorporates fitness routines and movements into dance training (sometimes with light weights for additional muscle tone and definition). Music is a key component to the classes, using a wide variety of genres ranging from pop, rock, hip hop, country and disco that creates a fun, energetic club-like atmosphere to workout in. The result is a high-energy experience that makes you want to dance!"

You know and love Louis from the ABC hit show Dancing with the Stars where he literally has transformed the lives of non-dancing celebrities into real dancers, while building their confidence, pushing them out of their comfort zones and having a BLAST!
Louis teaches LaBlast classes LIVE in LA and all over the country at gyms and retreats. Now in the comfort of your own home you can let Louis LaBlast you into a NEW YOU and a Dancer! I am excited to LaBlast my post partum pounds away with Louis. I love that Louis is helping people build self esteem, make healthier choices and HAVE FUN all at the same time! The program is offered in five levels- from Beginner through Advanced. Regardless of fitness level, dance knowledge, size or skill you will be able to benefit from LaBlast.

Check out Louis New Years message and a sneak peek at the DVD's

Follow Louis on Twitter & Facebook

I'm ready to let Louis LaBlast my ass in 2012! You with me ladies??
Louis & I at a charity lunch - Summer 2011