
Thursday, January 12, 2012


Let me start by extending a BIG THANK YOU to for starting a much needed public dialogue about inclusion and equality for all children but specifically children with Down Syndrome. For me, inclusion is implied considering Down Syndrome has been part of the human condition since the beginning of time, but it turns out there are still a lot of closed minds and hearts out there.

Noah's Dad (Rick) hosts and writes a blog that chronicles his and his wife's life with their beautiful son Noah. He recently posted his thoughts and a thank you to Target for including a model in a recent ad campaign who happens to have Down Syndrome. He also thanked the retail giant Nordstrom for including the same model in their recent Anniversary catalogue. I am HAPPY to report that this post caught the attention of mainstream media which in turn has opened up a dialogue about inclusion, embracing our differences and celebrating them. It is through education and awareness we can start to make and see societal changes.

My son Blake has Down Syndrome and I am so PROUD that he does. He can be a representative of equality, life and LOVE in our judgemental world. Blake and I have committed our voices to the fight for EQUALITY and INCLUSION for ALL regardless of gender, race, perceived disability, sexual orientation or any other "difference" from the herd mentality. 3 cheers for NOAH and NOAHSDAD.COM for starting this important dialogue. I am excited to see what power the media has for more inclusion for members of the Down Syndrome community.

This media coverage makes me excited because I now wonder are we really evolving as a human race? as a society? are our generic and limited views of beauty changing? are big corporations now going to send a message of inclusion and equality? rather than corporate greed and a herd mentality? I look forward to getting these questions answered. In the meantime organizations like the NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) and people like Rick are working to educate and inspire the world to open up their hearts and in turn their eyes.


  1. If only every child had parents as amazing as you and Noah's Dad. The sky would be the limit for everyone. Keep up the good work fighting for those who are too little to fight for themselves. You ARE making a difference. xo

  2. Thanks for mentioning our website. Keep up the good work of promoting life! :)
