
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time For Action

We have all heard the old adage "Actions Speak Louder Then Words" but we all don't live by it. Lately I have encountered several people who talk a good game but those words are unsupported by their actions. People need to start to make the distinction between action and intention. To intend to do something or convey something is one thing, but it is not actually DOING IT. We are all guilty of it. It is about literally taking the steps toward bringing congruency between what you intend to do and what you actually do.

What have you been intending to do? call a friend? apologize for hurting someone? correct a mistake? take up a hobby? Whatever it is the time is now for some ACTION. No more excuses, No more intention and No words necessary ... Get up and DO IT! What are you waiting for? to be a year older? or for more precious time to pass you by? You will thank yourself later, I promise.

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