
Monday, April 2, 2012

Dish of the Day: Curry Rice Salad

I'm always looking for new dishes to experiment with, tweak, or convert to Veggie/Vegan.  My latest was an old recipe of my mothers.  She used to call it "Polynesian Rice Salad". Back in the day when she made it she used tiny shrimp, sugar and other items I left out.

Last night I took a shot at her famous salad and made it a VEGAN delight.

What you need:

Pkg of Peas ~ I purchased frozen, let thaw and added.
Rice ~ I used brown 
1 1/2 cup of Celery (Optional)
1 cup of green onions

1/2 Cup light oil
1 tbsp Soya Sauce
1 Tsp Celery Salt (the original called for celery seed and then a tsp of salt - I used the celery salt instead)
Tbsp of Red wine vinegar (or the Vinegar of your choice)
2 Tsp Curry Powder (or more depending on your taste)

What you do:
Mix in a large bowl

P.S. My 4 yr old LOVED it .. without the onions ;)