
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Cleaning: Faux Friends

Lisa Marie Presley Storm & Grace Promo Image

Recent life event's have been an astonishing eye opener. The universe has given me a swift kick in the ass and forced me to open my eyes and take a good look around me, especially at the people in my life and "circle". It is always during these times that the soundtrack of my life somehow gets cranked.  From my FAV album of the summer comes today's most applicable track called "Un-Break" by Lisa Marie Presley.  She is a gifted writer and I adore the metaphors and wit behind her lyrics. I don't necessarily want the "broken" to "un-break" but more of a re-building in my life where people are concerned. A summer cleaning of sorts. I have taken accountability for placing my trust in the untrustworthy, my time into the takers, and my energy into the ungrateful. Essentially being run over by my own parade as LMP so aptly put's it. Life is all about learning, growth and personal evolution. Some lessons come cloaked as "friends" but the key is to recognize the lesson and move forward, letting the faux friends fall away and don't let them slow your journey down.  Listen to the song below and BUY THE ALBUM or download immediately from iTunes 


I have to wonder what the hell I ever did
to deserve this

Is it just me or most people a drag
and dishonest

I own up, I try
What am I not doing right
But shit it keeps on coming

I’ve got run over by my own parade
I’ve suffocated in the beds I’ve made
I’ve cut my feet on all the glass that I break
Still trying to find a way
To get what’s broken
To un-break

Somewhere along the line I must have been
a backstabbing liar

Maybe in another life I was a snake or vampire

I own up, I try
What am I not doing right

But shit it keeps on coming
Maybe I should change my plumbing

I’ve got run over by my own parade
I’ve suffocated in the beds I’ve made
I’ve cut my feet on all the glass that I break
Still trying to find a way
To get what’s broken
To un-break

I own up, I try
What am I not doing right

But shit it keeps on coming
Maybe I'm just missing something

I’ve got run over by my own parade
I’ve suffocated in the beds I’ve made
I’ve cut my feet on all the glass that I break
Still trying to find a way
To get what’s broken
To un-break

Sample the Song:

Thanks LMP for another universally applicable track!

Could your life use a good Summer Clean? 

Bid farewell to the Trash and embrace the Treasures!


  1. Well said...on the other hand if I do any more cleaning my closet will be bare.
    Fantastic blog though thoroughly enjoyed it...have not had much opportunity to visit as often as I would like as I have also been going through some life altering events.
    I have found that though many were not who I thought they were...the ones who remain make it all worth it.
    Thank you for reminding me and your readers that we are not alone in experiencing upheavals.
    And I completely agree this CD is well worth the purchase. My favorite song is Soften the Blows followed by how do you fly this plane...but honestly the whole cd is fantastic

  2. Have never heard it put that way before - "run over by my own parade". But wow, does that ever capture it well. A hard lesson learned, but an impactful one, based on simple principles when it comes down to it. Reminds me of that saying: When things aren't adding up, start subtracting. That can ring so true in so many ways for life in general, and how we live each day I am finding.

    Good for you for taking this as a learning experience and not letting it break your stride. You deserve wonderful - accept nothing less!

    I know you've been a fan of LMP forever, so will take a leaf out of your book and check her out.

  3. Suz - Yes. We are all in this together with respect to the highs and low's of life. I am so grateful in my life that I have little time to dwell on any negative but a closet cleaning was in order. I really like the lyrics of "So Long" too. Soften the blows is a great metaphor and very powerful.

    Amanda - LOVE your comment - When things aren't adding up start subtracting. Very true. I have worked so hard to be where I am there is very little that could break my stride at this point. Each day is a new adventure, some good and some not so good but with each one comes with a BIG lesson. Not to be cliche but it is totally true.

    Thanks for the insightful and heart felt comments ladies

