
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gaultier Goes GA GA

My love for Lady Ga Ga has been renewed once again as I stumbled across a documentary film called "GaGa by Gaultier" (2011 - Paris). I was astonished to see the french designer interview Lady Ga Ga against the backdrop of her life story. Two creative greats coming together.
It was such a gift to me to see them together as they are both authentic artists and trail blazers in their own right. I have admired the work of Jean Paul Gaultier since I was a little girl. Gaultier as always been avant garde and the first to reject the standard of generic beauty and conventional models back in the 80's. He has never compromised his visions and sent some of the craziest and inspiring garments down the runway.
Me enjoying the Gaultier Exhibit at the de Young Museum, San Fransisco - June 2012
At first I did not get Ga Ga and could not decipher if she was a phony product of the Hollywood music machine or the real deal. I am happy to report however, that after much research, listening to her speak and seeing her push social, musical and fashion boundaries she is indeed the real deal. What a breath of fresh, creative air. I LOVE the concept of "Born this Way" and completely respect what she is trying to do in a passionate and intelligent way. Check out the mission of the Born This Way Foundation.
GaGa On the MTV Red Carpet in Gaultier (2009)

I loved in the interview when she said "I can't dishonor my vision or my vision will dishonor me" a statement any artist can relate too.
I also am happy to see that she does not forget that without her fans there would be no Ga Ga. I find her intentions of liberating people to be genuine; "The object of the monsters ball is no so they leave worshiping me but leave worshiping themselves"

A creative friend on Facebook posted yesterday that she felt uninspired. I wanted to share this video with you as something that has inspired me. Thanks again Ga Ga for inspiring me!

WATCH the 52min interview/documentary here:


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