
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hearst Castle: Be a Friend

Neptune Pool - My view from a lounge chair (May 2013)

There are so many causes out there that we can choose to donate our hard earned money too. In fact, since I moved and got a new number my land line has been a 3 week blitz of fund raising calls on behalf of every charity in America. 
Hearst Castle Gardens as seen by me: Mother's Day 2013

We usually lean toward causes that touch our lives in some way, inspire us or make us feel that our money is going to help the most people or the greater good.  Through the year I donate to my fair share of causes, medical, animal and social. One of my FAV local places to support is Hearst Castle (via The Friends of Hearst Castle)
Image: LisaG -Neptune Pool with Synchronized Swimmers there for a private event, warming up to a Cole Porter tune. (Oct 6, 2012)

For those of you who follow my other social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) know how much I adore this historical monument. La Cuesta Encantada (The Enchanted Hill), is indeed that to me. In the 5 years I've lived in California it has been the source of major inspiration for me and frequent visits. 
Images: LisaG - Castle Theatre April 2013

Many people have serious misconceptions about the Castle,, like how it is funded and who pays the bills for example.

CASTLE FYI: The castle was donated to the People of the State of California in December 1957 by the Hearst Corporation. Neither the Hearst Corporation or William Randolph Hearst's estate pay for the Castle. The castle is maintained by both the State of California, through funding and tour ticket sales in conjunction with Friends of Hearst Castle.  FOHC is a non profit organization that raises money for restoration, education and preservation projects.

It is a National and California Historical Landmark as well as a museum. There is really something for everyone up there. If you love history, horticulture (gardens), old Hollywood, architecture, publishing/journalism, and all aspects of art (sculpture, furniture, painting, etc.)
Image: LisaG- Fountain in front of Casa Grande (April 4, 2013)

I will be attending an event, Twilight on the Terrace on June 8th on the hilltop. My eBoutique - Evolution Vintage made a donation to their silent auction:

3) Evolution Rewind Ring (one of a kind)

I will be posting a series of Hearst Castle blogs in the coming weeks with images, info and facts about the castle and the inspirational figures who created it.

Want to become a friend? MEMBERSHIP INFO
You can also make a tax deductible donation HERE

Me - Rockin' a William Randolph Hearst-esque top at in the gift shop at the visitors center - May 2013!

Have you visited the Castle? 

Post your experiences in the comments below!

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