
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Got GUTS? Buy A Shirt

Wearing GUTS on your t-shirt is the fashion equivalent of wearing your heart on your sleeve to support kids and sobriety. Emmy award winning actress, author, friend and all around funny broad Kristen Johnston has spilled her GUTS about her addiction in her amazing memoir: "Guts: the endless follies and tiny triumphs of a giant disaster”   Through sharing her story she has been able to bring the disease of addiction into an area of social dialogue through various social media outlets and through the press. She is not the patron saint of addiction or your new digital counsellor. She is an honest person who is doing her best to help others by sharing her experiences, resources, and providing an interactive dialogue about this disease and social issues surrounding it... The rest of the work is up to YOU.

She is also trying tirelessly to create the FIRST sober high school in New York via SLAM NYC (SLAM: Sobriety, Learning and Motivation).  Let's ALL be HONEST. We all know someone who is addicted to something. I have several family members and friends who suffer from various forms and degrees of addiction. It has effected me, my relationships and my life. The point is, this issue effects us ALL, each in our own way. Therefore this cause is one that we can all identify with. I think of my children and wonder what their future holds. Should they fall down the black hole of this disease I would want a place like SLAM and a sober, safe place for them to get a chance at a productive education and life. The children attending this school belong to parents who love them and want the best for them as we all want for our kids. The least we could do is support them by spending a mere $35 on a cool t-shirt! The shirt is super soft jersey and the logo's are printed on high quality American Apparel garment. The front image depicts Kristen in the height of her addiction. It is NOT intended to support or endorse smoking in any way but is an honest image from a moment in time.

DID YOU KNOW? Drug use among Teens is a national health crisis.

 9 out of every 10 chemically dependent Americans started smoking, drinking or drugging before age 18.

Half of all High School students currently use addictive substances.

That’s 6.1 MILLION kids.
(National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University)

Their goal is to SELL 300 Shirts to support their mission to save kids lives.  They need to sell 69 more, with 3 days to go! (well 68 because I just purchased mine).

1. We need a sober school because right now, if a kid wants a safe, drug & stigma-free education, they have to move to BOSTON. (They have FOUR)

2. Drug use among teens is exploding, and according to Govt surveys, drug use among NYC kids are higher than almost anywhere else.

3. The most important reason is: 9 out of 10 addictions begin in teen years. If we don't begin to address these kids issues now, the world will be exposed to more & more addicts. Addiction already costs us over 300 BILLION a year. Drugs kill more per year than GUNS. More per year than CAR ACCIDENTS.
Drugs are now the #1 cause of death in ERs.

Kristen is seriously committed to this cause and assures me every cent goes to making this school a reality. Her long term goal is to create these schools across the country. Hopefully other countries in the world will follow suit and save their kids.

Shirts are currently available in the US only ($5 to ship - approx two weeks for delivery). However, Kristen has something up her sleeve for the international people who would like to help SLAM. Stay Tuned ......

I got a t-shirt last time and rocked it out my way! You can do the same. The t-shirts are available in YS-3XL

Got GUTS? Prove it. Buy a shirt and post a comment below!

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