
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Down Syndrome VLOG

My son, Blake at the Pumpkin Patch

Today I am in full VLOG (Video Blog) mode. As stated yesterday my blog for the remainder of October (Down Syndrome Awareness Month) my blog's content would have heavy emphasis on DS. I will break for important fashion and fitness content but primarily I want to dedicate the next few weeks to DS awareness and education.

This is a VLOG today. A collection of AMAZING and INSPIRATIONAL video's that I have seen and saved since my son was born. Sit back, enjoy, grab the kleenex and prepare to be inspired.

1) A Fathers perspective about raising a child with Down Syndrome. It is honest, insightful and fabulous!

2) A father exposes his soul and writes an honest letter to his two year old Daughter with Down Syndrome. On so many levels I can connect and empathize with him. My son did not get diagnosed until he was born but the fears were still there for me too. Originally posted by ESPN in 2012. This dad is bold and courageous for sharing the brutal, honest truth of how he felt and feels. 

3) Tim's Place. What a motivational man. He is the proud owner of his own restaurant called "Tim's Place" in Albuquerque. Up at 5:30am with HUGS the best part of his day. I think we can all learn a thing or two from him! I hope my son Blake is able to find his passion in life like this.

4) Archie and Me - I love these two. Children never really grasp the "differences" until adults and society point it out to them. I love to see these two as it reminds me of my daughter and son. I hope they grow up to be best friends and take care of each other.

5) Meet John Anton. What an inspirational man. Most individuals with NO disability fail to accomplish what John has. It is my hope that my son Blake will follow his passion and dreams. I love that he pushed past the menial jobs that did not stimulate him and onto his dream of advocacy and helping others.

6) Super Hero: Too lazy to go to the gym? not this man. He is a soft hearted, hard core power lifter and NOT in the "Special Olympics" - right on par with this peers. Amazing!


Me Too ...
Blake & Mommy (me)

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