
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Calling ALL Little Mavens

Tori, Blake & I

Today marks a beautiful step forward in my quest to see children with various abilities represented in a positive way in mainstream media. Let's face it, we are a very visual society and much of what we perceive comes from various sources of media.  My friend, mother of 4 and fellow fashionista Tori Spelling has joined the ranks of Target and Nordstroms with her children's clothing line Little Maven, sold at JC Penny with her new CONTEST inspired by inclusion.
Meet Grace and read her fab mamma's letter that inspired Tori

I know personally the extent and depth of Tori's huge heart and she has ALWAYS supported inclusion for everyone. She was so supportive when Blake was born and checked on us while we were on extended stay in hospital following his traumatic birth. She has shared my journey with Blake on EdiTORIal with her readers too (READ them HERE & HERE) and I am thrilled that she has launched a CONTEST for Little Maven's Holiday Lookbook! Read her post on EdiTORIal today.

Does your beautiful child deserve a chance to model? Have you always wanted to moonlight as a stylist? Here is your chance parents!

The contest is OPEN to ALL kids, not just ones with special needs or designer genes. 

How to enter?

POST ONE image of your beautiful babe striking a post for your camera. Soot the image against a white/neutral background.

Tori will choose the winner(s)

SHARE, SHARE SHARE on all social media outlets.


Good Luck!!!!

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