
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Family In Wonderland: Christmas Card Edition

Recently I spent an afternoon in Wonderland. A Wonderland of my own creation for no reason other than to get the perfect shot for my holiday Christmas Card.  I wanted a card that represented my family, a little mad, unique and a full cast of characters that fate has bonded together. I enlisted the help of my fabulous make-up artist, Hanna Fisher of HannaF Makeup Design,
 Photographer extraordinaire Tamara Wickstrom (BreezyBlue Studios) and my two BFF style partners in crime, Jensine and Sydney. They were 'on set' to help wrangle kids,assist with prop set up and champagne consumption. They were instrumental in having the shoot go off perfectly! Thanks girls! xo

The concept was MY version  of "Alice in Wonderland". I shared both versions/films with my children and envisioned something in between. I sourced and styled all the costumes, chose concepts for makeup with Hanna's professional input and acquired all the little details for the set that brought the shoot together.

My Family Cast:
Myself : The Queen of Hearts
Husband -David: The Mad Hatter
Son -Blake: March Hare
Daughter -Kaleigh: Alice
Step-Daughter -Danica: The White Rabbit
Step-Son -Dylan: The Cheshire Cat






~~ The Tea Party ~~

~~The Rabbit Hole ~~

~~The Picnic~~

I had a REALLY hard time choosing the image for our Christmas Card. But with a great background and some metallic paper I made it happen. They have been mailed so stay tuned. I have all ready starting planning next years!

Did you have a Christmas Card Theme? Did your family have fun?
SHARE in the comments below!


  1. Wow!! Superb tea party. Liked the characters everyone played. The make-up is just outstanding, I loved it. Last week attended my best friend’s tea party at one of San Francisco event venues. It was really amazing with wonderful arrangements done. I had a great time there.

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