
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1: 2014

I'm still in a state of shock that 2014 is here! 
This last year has went by too fast. So it begins with resolutions, goal setting and dreaming. I do have some plans ready for 2014 and I am going to apply some visualization techniques to help me stay on track this year.

1) Dream Boards
2) Happiness Jar
3) Vision Vase

Dream/Vision Boards: These are amazing visual techniques for tracking and inspiring your wants, desires and goals. They are easily created and really fun to make. I am going to host a dream board party, gather my Friends and spend an evening inspiring each other and talking about our goals for 2014 and beyond. A fun DIY activity that can be altered and added to through the year. Making more than one is always an option. You can also use sites like Pinterest to make virtual/digital dream/vision boards. Use words, colors, images and more on your board to inspire you. Grab some glue and your deepest desires and get to work! 

Happiness Jar: I saw this image online and think that the idea is amazing. With the fast pace of our lives we loose site of 'the little things'. All of the amazing moments from the year can be tracked and saved in this jar. An amazing activity for next New ears eve to review the highlights of your year. 

Vision Vase: I am going to use a chic vase to fill with my goals for 2014. As a vision becomes a reality I will remove it from the vase. It will be a great visualization technique for me so I can see my progress. If the vase is still full it will serve to motivate me to push harder and get things accomplished.

I was happy to spend the last half of the first day of the year at the beach gearing up for the year ahead. There is something about the sea that puts everything into perspective for me. Plus the Central Coast sunsets are beyond words!

What do you have planned for 2014? 
Share in the comments below.

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