
Friday, January 17, 2014

Discovering Your Inner Goddess with CoCo PART 1: Fitness First

One of the things I adore about CoCo is her authenticity and her true desire to help women. In her own style CoCo is creating her empire/brand by using the things she loves to help women discover their inner goddess.  The first step is FITNESS. CoCo is bringing you into her "Workout World" with her new App for iPhone/iPad.
Launched recently as CoCo's Workout World (Powered by Skimble)

This is a comprehensive fitness application covering all aspects of fitness; training, diet, tips and moves based on what got her the body she is famous for.
She told me, "I want to help women reach their inner Goddess. To do that I want to make them feel sexy about their bodies so I came up with this fitness app . This is the number one question I get on my website for the last 15 years. Questions like, what is your fitness regimen? How do you build the booty?"
This was a perfect opportunity to show everyone. I was going to start out with a fitness DVD but it just makes sense with all the new technology, everyone has a cell phone so why not make a fitness app? So basically I can train you from your cell phone. You can be at home or at the gym and we can train together. Basically my workout is just showing you what I’ve done personally and have done for years. I incorporate my dance moves, stretching, body building moves. It is all moves I do at the gym. I also tell everyone up-front, it may not work for every body type but it has definitely worked for me. I believe if you listen to me and work out you will see a difference. It is called World for a reason, it has fitness tips, it is not just working out. It is so much more.
I wanted to know WHO the app is tailored for. There are many people pressed for time, beginners, those who may be intimidated or who make excuses not to work out. According to Miss CoCo this app is for everyone, "It is for every level. There is a collection on the app of five - 8 minute workouts. So, you can do 3 different workouts in 8 minutes. That is really fun if you are on the go."
Her favourite work out of course is for your beautiful backside ladies. She recommends SQUATS if you only have time for one exercise. She said,  I suggest during the day if you have a minute do a squat but try to have something in your hand while you are doing it. Squats are my number one move in the Gym and there are so many different ways to do them. Try them with weights, without weights, with your hands, without your hands."
Here's how it works:
*$2.99 Gets you the App with 20 Exercises, 9 Workouts
*Included also is Photographs and Fitness Tips
*No Internet Required
*Unlock PREMIUM exercise routines for an additional $6.99 (Ex: “Booty by Coco”)
*The app will be continuously updated with new and exciting content.
*Cheaper than gym membership, lots of variety and a unique format to train.

I'm personally not a gym person. I prefer to train in the privacy of my own home. I am also pressed for time and a busy mom on the go. The notion of quick workouts that I can hand select to target my "problem areas" is a wonderful solution to help me eliminate my excuses.

CoCo truly believes that EVERY woman has an inner goddess inside.Will you connect with your goddess in CoCo's workout world? 

Comment below!
Stay Tuned for PART II of Discovering Your Inner Goddess with CoCo.

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