
Friday, March 21, 2014

World Down Syndrome Day 3/21

Out to dinner on Valentine's day!

Today is World Down Syndrome Day!  It is the 9th anniversary of this global celebration. The celebration centers around the Down Syndrome community, every ones unique abilities and our global connection as human beings. Today I celebrate the core foundational values that should bind us the world over; respect and equality for all people.

It is also my 400th blog post. I am so proud that this post can be dedicated to a community that I adore and that I was welcomed into with open arms on May 13, 2011 when my son Blake was born.

Thus far it has been an interesting journey, an extra chromosome means an extra full time advocacy job, extra love and and extra rewards beyond my wildest dreams.
Our Family Rocking Our Socks for WDSD & Blake! 

I have learned more about myself in the last 2.5 years than I feel like I have my whole life. For example, patients was a virtue that I truly had yet to acquire, then Blake came into my life. I am always rushing and watching time flying by but Blake's extra chromosome has forced me to slow down and take the time to experience and enjoy. As a mother to both my children and step-children I am essentially looking at the world through different eyes. I all ready feel like a better person for knowing Blake. I feel very honored to have been given the gift of also being his mom. I look forward to the rest of our journey together and the journey of educating the world about people with Down Syndrome.
The community deserves respect, equality and above all LOVE. Again, everyone deserves these basic human rights. We should all make it a daily practice to embrace and celebrate our differences really, regardless of our abilities. Let's spend our time today, and all days just enjoying each others strengths and unique characters. 
"A free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it- basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near one of them"- Charles Bukowski (author)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lisa,

    Your journey (and your family's journey) with Blake and your help in educating people all over the world about Down Syndrome, will truly be a rewarding one because YOU INSPIRE people!
    That's just what you do!
    Thank you for this lovely gift.
    We are all unique and special, only becoming more aware our strengths and abilities as we face life challenges.

    Here's to CELEBRATING our differences with EQUALITY and LOVE!

    Wishing you and your beautiful family, happiness and love to fill your heart each and every day. .
