
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mirror, Mirror: DIY Time

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the best DIY-er of them all? Not me of course but I love to try. My latest project was a broken mirror that I rescued from the garbage and DIY-ed my way to functional fabulousness. The previous owner cast it into the trash because of a broken "shell" that was glued over a flaw in the mirror. It was such an interesting piece I could not pass it up.

My dragging things home from the trash, estate sale, thrift and consignment store is now a regular occurrence so imagine my husbands lack of surprise when I loaded up this mirror into our car from a dumpster.

Waste not, want not, right? I want to add a touch of what I call Re-styling to all that I come in contact with so I dug out some of my broken Vintage brooches that I use to harvest stones for my ring and jewelry repair, vintage earrings and loose stones.
I also found a Vintage belt that was damaged and unable to be sold or styled via Evolution Vintage. It worked as the perfect base for the jewels. The color is my accent color in my new studio.

What I used:
* Vintage Belt
*Random Vintage Jewels/Earrings/Pieces
I kept the color pallet in blacks/white/silver/pearl to coordinate with my studio's industrial feel.

Now this mirror is fabulous and functional!

Do you save and re-style items other people disregard?
Share in the comments.

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