
Monday, June 2, 2014

DRESStory: The Yellow Nighty

Every previously loved garment has a story.  Designers and costumer's tell stories with fabric and Vintage clothing does the same thing on a more personal level. The story told by Vintage is of  the women/men who came before you who gave the garment a previous life at an event, special occasion or a succession of regular days in their lives. I like to call this phenomenon, DRESStory.
A random dress with image of it's original owner attached. I did not purchase this but was compelled to take a photo. I had shoppers remorse in reverse, I regretted NOT buying and went back but it was gone!

Part of the charm of Vintage clothing to me is the garments history or it's DRESStory. On a rare occasion I get to know it from the original garment owner or their family. More often than not I get to imagine it and daydream about where a gown went to dance or a shift dress went to lunch.
This time I received a written account of a piece that I will retain for my personal collection. This yellow nightgown was sent from Canada to me in California from my 91 year old grandmother, Phyllis. It belonged to her mother who lived to be 96, she would have been my great-great grandmother (by marriage).

My gram's letter ...
 "This nighty was given to my mom in the early 1930's by Teddy Glass' Dad, he was a salesman for ladies apparel from coast to coast in Canada.  He finally asked mom and dad to take in Teddy and Margy hence they grew up with us. Teddy joined up in 1939 and went over seas the same year and sadly to say he died in France.


This was when material was quality don't you think for it to last that long with numerous washings"

I adore this story and am proud to welcome this beautiful piece into my personal collection, thus beginning my story of the yellow nighty.

Do you have any garments that you still wear that have a story of a previous life?

Share in the comments!

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