
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dress To Express

Looking inward is SO important, in fact it is the foundation of your existence really. It is a practice that we should all do a lot more. There is just so much outside noise that distracts us. To live an externally motivated life is to rob yourself of who YOU are and what authentically motivates you. We cannot anticipate the reaction from the outside world to who we are internally so I think this may be why so many people never really try.

Buy this brand 

Wear this label

Follow the trends (or the herd)

Many of us are to easily accepting of marketing, branding, and exterior pressures to be "something" or "someone". What if we looked to the exterior ONLY to express what is on the inside. I use fashion in this way. Many would have a chuckle or a nice eye roll when I say that Fashion to me is another language. I use clothing and styling to express who I am and how I am feeling in the moment.

On a daily basis I dress to express. It is literally an outward manifestation of who I authentically am on the inside. I don't care about labels, prices, trends or eras. I wear what I like and only what I am instinctually drawn too. When asked to describe my style in one word: Authentic.
What I Wore - (left): Promesa Harem Pant Jumpsuit (Thrifted Stretch Belt - no label)
SJP Collection FAWN in Yellow (Ochre) Satin - Bloomingdales Zappos Couture
Evolution Vintage Burnout Tee in White

My Cousin (pictured R)
Black CACHE Jumpsuit
Evolution Vintage 70's Black Hat
BCBG Metallic Cut Out Heels.

When is the last time you purchased something that you authentically loved or were naturally drawn too and DIDN'T make an excuse about not having somewhere to wear it? or it being too expensive? or any other issue?

Many of the outward roadblocks in style and in life we create for ourselves. Trust me, no one gives a shit really what you are doing, even though many of us perceive that they do. Toady's assignment, head to your closet's and whatever you instinctually FEEL like wearing, or strikes you as beautiful put it on. Wear it in the house, go to the grocery store, out to dinner or vacuum in it, who cares. There is NO excuse not to DRESS TO EXPRESS... 

Share your images with me on Intagram: @evolutionvtg
Hashtag #DressToExpress

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