
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DSAM: Day 21

Blake's 21st Chromosome image from his Karyotype

We have reached the 21st day of Down Syndrome Awareness Month. What a lucky number ... in Las Vegas and in my life. For those that don't know (you would be surprised how many people there are) Down Syndrome is a result of 3 copies of the 21st chromosome, also clinically referred to as Trisomy 21. Words alone could never convey the impact this tiny chromosome has had on my life. 
Pre bed time snuggles and giggles

I choose to focus on the positive and enjoy all that has been gifted to me instead of dwelling on the more challenging aspects and trust me there are not in short supply. It is a daily dance to which I barely know the steps and as soon as I learn them someone changes the music.

Blake admiring his half dragonfly pose

A woman I admire and adore read this aloud today while we were practicing Yin Yoga together. She the teacher and I the student. I have really embraced the roll of the student in my life. As a parents you are always a student. As a parent of a child who has extra needs it seems the learning never ceases, literally no end in sight.  The words that were spoken today by my favorite Yogi Teacher really struck a cord with me. I wanted to share them here:

If you could observe your Self from a distance, way over there,
would you critique your size and shape, your weight and your hair?
Would you be kind to your Self?
If you could observe your Self from a distance, way over there,
would you see your thoughts and your inner smile, your fears and addictions and the love that surrounds you 
and carries you all the while?
Would you be kind to your Self?
If you could observe your Self from a distance, way over there,
Would you spend more than a passing glance?
Would you wonder or be curious about the rhythm of your dance?
You are not a mistake or a mere happenstance….
And neither are they, way over there.
It's true!
Happy day everyone,
Love for us all,

By Marylou Falstreau
Women and he Hourglass

I love these words. The lack of separation between yourself and others and this notion of equality. What people also fail to realize at times is that we are ALL in this, life, together. Regardless of ability, perceived 'disability', race, income, education, or accomplishments. It made me think about the Down Syndrome community.  Many people consider my son's chromosomal "difference" a mistake, I sometimes happen upon comments on social media stories and see these views first hand and I can almost imagine what people are thinking when they look at us a little too long when we are out in the community. Yes us, from a distance, way over there. From here I see no mistake, I see intention. I see gifts. I adore the blanket of kindness these words provide also, for yourself and for everyone, way over there,

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