
Monday, September 5, 2016

Now Watching: Born This Way

In 2015 the Network A&E brought us an original 6 episode docuseries that chronicles the lives of 7 individuals who have Down Syndrome and their families. It is back for a second season and airs on A&E at 10/9c Tuesdays. It is obvious that my initial attraction to the show would be the fact that my son also has Down Syndrome and I was looking forward to seeing the characters on the show as all of our families are connected through our kids designer genes. I was happily surprised that this show I related to but it is SO MUCH MORE. 

The network, A&E should be commended for providing diversity in their programming and giving their viewership an opportunity to celebrate differences. The celebration of differences and the emphasis on being unique is something seriously lacking in television and our society in my opinion. This show is a breath of fresh air to me and I love that the network has certainly lived up to their slogan: Be Original! 

It is an important lesson in humanity and a reminder to everyone: People with Down Syndrome have the same feelings, hopes and dreams like everyone else. They may process and navigate the world in a different way or require extra assistance or time but they navigate it just the same. This reaffirmation coupled with the inspiring cast is a great reason to tune in. I often wonder what the 'general population' would accomplish and achieve putting in as much hard work and effort that these individuals put into every day tasks. This show is providing us all with an opportunity to learn as there are still so many misconceptions about people with Down Syndrome.

The Parents take the show to another level for me. I can truly relate to the issues they have faced and continue to face with their children and it's simply because I am a PARENT. They face the same challenges that other parents face but during different stages in life. I applaud them all and look forward weekly to hearing more about their children, strategies they have used and their experiences in parenting their extraordinary humans.

Finally this show has a HEART, something we can all relate too. The friendships, bonds, challenges, triumphs, obstacles and determination we see each week is both heartwarming and inspiring to me.

If you can't watch live on Tuesday 10/9C please DVR/PVR the rest of the season or catch up and stream it online HERE 

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