
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness: Kristin's Story Part I

Image by Hayley West
Styling by Me - 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and throughout the month I want to share stories of women that I have had the honor of bring connected with. We have all seen the statistics but like everything else in our fast paced life we have maybe breezed by them or said to ourselves "that could never happen to me". Did you know that in every 8 women 1 will be diagnosed with breast cancer?

A really sobering thought. I met Kristin when I was asked to donate my time/styling expertise to a photo shoot celebrating the end of her grueling chemotherapy treatment. Of course I answered the call, anything that will serve to empower or inspire another woman I always show up!

She first met me in my Evolution Vintage showroom and we talked a lot about what she is authentically drawn too. She loves lace, ruffles, anything romantic and feminine. She adores pink and was also open to my ideas. I was inspired by her strength but also by her willingness to step outside her style comfort zone and give some looks a try she may not have otherwise chose. The pictorial is a true celebration of her beauty and life.
Kristin wearing Vintage Ruffle Gown, Vintage Gloves and Vintage Pearls

She told me, "One morning I though I pulled a muscle, so did a self-check and felt around. To my discovery found a lump. Trying not to freak out I immediately booked an appointment with my OB November 14th , 2015.  She said there is defiantly a lump I suggest getting an appointment to get a mammogram/ Ultrasound.

(Nov19th 2015)

From there things progressed pretty quickly

Biopsy December 1st 2015 and December 7th I was officially diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

I can’t say enough do your self-breast exam on the 1st of every month!You are never too young or too old. There is something to be said about that  "Gut feeling. "

Kristin was 31 when she received the news she had breast cancer. She explained,
"Stage 2-breast cancer, BRCA Positive (carry the gene), HER 2 Positive (the cancer cells have more of protein. It causes these cells to grow and spread faster than the ones with normal level of protein)" 

She shared what inspired her during this chapter in her life,

"God’s overwhelming Grace upon my life.

Family and friends near and far.

Often a physical illness will impact you more than just physically.  It can impact your emotions and hope, your spirit and soul. But God Himself can redeem even those times for good and His glory. When you are ill and forced to slow down, of course visit the doctor, take your medicine and rest. And, yes pray to the Lord, for He is the only one that heals your diseases. Sometimes, though, Jesus also wants to speak to you during this quieter time, so look and listen for what He wants to teach you when you are ill. – God’s Promises for when your Hurting by Jack Countryman"

Tomorrow I will share her tips for staying healthy and strong through Chemo and beyond as well as her recently acquired wisdom for anyone who has been recently diagnosed. You can also come back and see the rest of her gorgeous pictorial! 


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