
Friday, April 7, 2017

Pluviophile Perspective

Evolution Vintage Grey Dress
Totes Umbrealla
Stylist/Image: LisaG

Our society is obsessed with labels, labels on clothing AND labels on people. I think everyone finds a strange comfort level to know that they have you figured out, categorized and have you labelled. There is one label that can be added to my list as I sit in the comfort of my home typing and listening to the rain outside do a tap dance on my back deck.

Pluviophile: (biology) Any organism that thrives in conditions of heavy rainfall
 and/or One who loves rain, a rain-lover.

I thrive, I create, I am comforted by and inspired by the RAIN. Any Rain, any time and the more consecutive days of precipitation the happier and busier you will find me. I have never been able to really explain my love and attraction to the rain and rainy days. There is a cleansing quality to rain, washing away all that was before and producing a fresh, clean slate or Tabula rasa as it were. 

Living in California has kept me rain starved through the recent drought years but sincerely grateful for even an hour of water. I am so thrilled to welcome back this extended "rainy" season.

What inspires you? 

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