
Friday, May 4, 2018

Reference This: 1987 X 2018

I love when I spot a reference or nod to fashions past. Let's face it, the industry is a cyclical one. Knowing this I am always baffled when someone would pass over vintage or look at pieces from fashions past as something less than and clamor to grab the newest cheaply made garment from a sweatshop from a foreign land or anything with a designer label on it.

I took my daughter to her first ever concert for her 10th birthday and we saw Katy Perry on her Witness Tour. Check out my gratitude post to her HERE.

My daughter was captivated by the music, lights, props, choreography, dancers and most of all the costumes. This was her absolute favorite

So much so that she chose to sing the same song Katy sang wearing this costume and asked for a replica for her school talent show. Remember me mentioning she is 10? I being the frustrated costumer living in a stylist and writer mom's body I agreed to make her one, in a 10 year old appropriate way. Stay tuned for that DIY tribute look and talent show video coming soon.

After studying the costume elements for my own upcoming creation it struck me that I have seen this before, or the spirit of this before in 1987.

This is an image of supermodel Linda Evangelista wearing CHANEL in 1987 in VOGUE UK (Photographer: Hans Feurer)

The texture of the dress in this photograph, the side sleeve ruffles and cascading leg ruffle made the connection for me. Not a replica obviously but it has the same spirit in my mind. Elements of her Witness tour was VERY 80's and I wouldn't be surprised to know that this image was part of the mood board of Katy's costume designer, Nguyen Cong Tri. This plus two other pieces were custom made in Vietnam in conjunction with the designer and Katy's stylist.

Do you see the reference?

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