
Monday, June 11, 2018

55,000 DRESScue Mission: So it begins

Back in 2014 I met dress collector Paul Brockman in his Gardena warehouse that at the time held approximately 22,000 of his reported 55,000 dress collection. Red my blog HERE from my initial visit. With the passage of time I always wondered what ever happened to Paul and his collection. I reached out to him and his daughter in March of 2017 to check the status of the collection and see if I could help.

I visited with a proposal to help liquidate the dresses and approach this mammoth project in a new way. 

Fast forward to last weekend. Myself, Paul's daughter Louise and 2 hired guys moved 495 bags of vintage dresses into a sorting facility. This is the contents of container 1 of 4!! We cannot liquidate what we don't know is there so we are sorting by era/color for now. Everything is for sale!

6am - 495 Bags

Time lapse of unpacking the second truck ..

Of course we unearthed some amazing treasures. 

Shop a curated selection from the collection via Evolution Vintage with more to come daily.

Let the DRESScue mission begin .... 

Are you a dealer who wants to shop in bulk? or a vintage fan ready to fill bags to the brim for a great price? email me for an appointment.

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