
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Meet The Cast: Whobris

Wardrobe/Props: Lisa Graystone
Hair: Brookly Truderung

The littlest of our Who's who of Whoville is the character of Whobris, played by my son Blake! Blake has Down Syndrome and that didn't stop him taking on this character by storm. His sensory integration issues also didn't stop him from getting his hair done in a similar style as his character of Whobris, not to say it wasn't a challenge for the hair stylist on set.

In Blake's costume I captured the essence of Whobris without replicating his look. My son does not like a lot of layers so we had to skip the vest over the tie and when I purchase wardrobe I try to buy items my son can wear again, beyond the shoot.

 His Pants, shoes, and Grinchy green scarf are his own and I purchased a yellow dress shirt, beige trench coat and holiday themed tie to match the Mayor who his character worships and copies.


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