
Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today marks the 85th year of life for one of the most interesting lives of our time. Many people have many preconceived notions about Hugh Hefner but I'm not sure everyone has the whole story.

Hugh Hefner has done much more for our society than Publishing a Magazine with nude centerfolds, cartoons and intelligent/thoughtful articles.

He was a trailblazer for the Sexual Revolution

An Advocate for Women's Rights ~ Contraception, Freedom of Choice and MORE! His magazine was intended to celebrate women and their beauty, not objectify or disrespect them.

A Friend and Fighter for the Civil Right's movement. He defied segregation laws to allow black and white patrons to socialize in his Playboy clubs. He promoted and employed African American musicians, comedians and entertainers at his clubs and on his TV show. He ignored society's racial taboos because they did not exist in his mind. He stood for and Stands for EQUALITY on all levels.

A Challenger of ideas and ideals about sex, and sexual expressions

A Vanguard for freedom of the press, freedom of speech and expression .. Personal Freedom PERIOD.

A Teacher who has lived an honest life. A life that had many detractors but he owns it. He has created his own fantasy and lives it publically and privately. We should all take a page out of Hef's book, custom design our lives and be HAPPY, closer to our authentic selves.

For this and MORE I raise my glass to you Hef. May you be FREE to enjoy this day and all the rest. You are an inspiration, a right fighter and a self made man who I respect.

Got a free 2 hours to educate yourself? Rent/Buy the Canadian Documentary: "Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist & Rebel"

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