
Friday, April 1, 2011

Who Do You LOVE?

Upon the release today of Kimora Lee Simmons 6th fragrance: LOVE ME it brings up the very important topic of self love. Self love being the foundation for everything in your life; your self esteem, your other relationships and how you conduct yourself in the world. In my experience I feel as women we have issues with taking time for self care and self love. We have big "to do lists" for our daily lives; work, caring for our children (biological, step and/or adopted), taking care of our homes, extended family members, school; whatever our life circumstances may be. What we often forget is to put ourselves on that list. Sometimes we confuse self love with selfishness. I think it is a bi-product of how society has compartmentalized women and our vast roles. In my view taking time for self love and care is essential to our development and growth as human beings. We could not possibly perform at optimal levels in all other facets of our lives if our foundation, self love is not a strong one. I subscribe to and identify with much of what Kimora represents with respect to the empowerment of women. The notion of self acceptance and the concept behind this fragrance of self love. On the packaging for the scent she has a message:

"LOVE ME for the essence of who I am...

Admire Me for my strength and spirit.

Cherish me for my passion and drive.

Respect me for my aspirations that DARE ME to dream.

What's most important is that you LOVE ME... for me."

"Love yourself" ~ Kimora Lee Simmons

The scent itself is comprised of the following components (notes): An oriental musk fragrance including apricot blossom, tangerine, passion fruit, frangipani blossom, jasmine petals and tiger orchid, along with vanilla blossom and sandalwood.

I personally had an opportunity to be a tiny part of this fragrance planning process via a meeting with fellow "fabs" and the perfumista herself for an episode of "Kimora Life in the Fab Lane" (Season 4, Episode 2 :The Bling Sale is available for download on iTunes).

Cleverly we were asked to describe (in 200 words or less) How Fragrance enhances your Fabulosity. Here was my reply: "A fragrance enhances my Fabulosity by giving me an instant spritz of confidence. It is about making an impression without words. I can exude my fabulousness without a single phrase as the scent I choose is a reflection of my mood, feelings and personality. Fragrance does to the nose what fashion does to the eyes; Intrigues, inspires and reflects your inner goddess. It is a splash of sass and class before I step into the world. My scent is a part of my Fabulosity that I can leave behind. As I breeze through my life my scent is what I will relinquish along with a lasting impression. It will serve to inspire men and women that I come into contact with, each in a different way. It is an inspirational message for one’s olfactory senses. A mist of my fragrance creates a memory for those around me as smell evokes memory in a way that no other sense can. My scent is my first and most important accessory of the day!"

CHEERS KIMORA for spreading your message of self love and acceptance though every avenue ~ twitter @OfficialKimora,, your book and now through your scent!

Ladies show yourself some love and pick up LOVE ME: for $17 for 15Ml ($28 for larger size) how could you not? Raise the glass to your self; for being who you are ~ FABULOUS and WORTH IT!


  1. I just might have to give it a whiff ;-) So cool the opportunities you have had Lisa! I always look forward to your posts!

  2. You should! It is a lovely fragrance, with a great concept behind it AND for a $TEAL xo Spread the LOVE xo

  3. This was a wonderful post. I just came across the blog through twitter and only a few posts in I'm already in love with you and the whole essence of everything you're doing. We must always love ourselves first, and sharing this message is the first step to change. Keep doing what you're doing, and I cannot wait for what's in store for you in the future (and us as readers!)

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH Frankie for your comment! xo I'm so happy you have found me and my blog XO I would love it if you would follow! What is your twitter name so I can follow you? I love to connect with like minded individuals XO Stay Tuned ~ Lots of great stuff to come XO

  5. hey!
    I'm already following on Twitter, under the name The16thBar :)
