
Monday, February 11, 2013

V-Day Paint Project

Valentines day is upon us and once again I opted for another Keep Sake gift for my Valentine but this year it was a collaboration.  In years past my DIY gifts have been solo but this year the kids helped me out.  I of course purchased a small pressie from an antique store for my husband as well but my FAV gifts are those that combine thought, time and a little effort. I adore my husbands home made cards that I receive every special occasion and in between. His random bursts of greeting card creativity always inspires me to respond in kind.

I decided to create a GIANT Valentine from myself and the kids.  You could create this yourself (no kids required) and proudly display it all year round. Don't restrict this fun activity to gift giving on V-Day either, it works for many occasions.

What you need:
* Canvas (or large paper)
* Acrylic Paint (fast dry and fast cleanup w soap/water)
* Brushes
* Lip Stick
* Metallic Sharpie

I prepped the canvas with a white wash of acrylic paint, it just gives it a little more texture and it's something I personally like to do to canvas but it is not a necessary step.  Kaleigh was my little helper (with a fever of 102.5+ - She is a professional).
I wanted to capture a moment in time so I thought I would use my children's feet and hand prints, turning both into heart designs. I stamped each child's paint covered feet and hands onto the canvas. The feet placed in a V shape I used a brush to complete the heart and I painted a heart into the palm of each hand with metallic silver paint.

To leave my mark, I added lip stick "kisses" in both pink/red hues to correspond to the hand/feet impressions.  I also pressed the side of my palms into the metallic silver paint creating a "hand hart" shape. I pressed it into the bottom right of the valentine to create my signature. 

There is no limit to what you could press on a canvas for your Valentine (again, kids not required). You never know you could end up with a really cool piece of art or a conversation piece at the very least.

Our finished product - Daddy will LOVE it!

Still looking for a V-day idea? Check out last years Photo Book and 2011's V-day Scavenger Hunt

Shower the people you love with love ~ especially yourself!! 

Happy Valentines Day!

~ L


  1. FABULOUS idea! Thank you for sharing. It looks like SO much creative FUN!

  2. That's absolutely lovely! For Christmas a couple of years ago I did something similar with my (then 3 year old) nephew's footprints and handprints to make a reindeer.
