Sunday, November 1, 2015

The 30 Day 30 Dress Challenge

Image by: Tamara Wickstrom

This concept has been percolating in my style brain for some time now. I have many discussion with friends about fashion and personal style and it got me thinking about dresses. Why did they cease to be a woman's daily uniform? During war time when women stepped into men's job's we saw pants come on the scene (20's and 30's). Flash forward to the present and I am of the personal belief that women wear more pants than dresses day to day.

Meet my friend Sydney. She is a huge proponent of the dress as the daily "uniform". Her theory is that it is much easier to slip into a dress than it is the standard jean, legging or yoga pant that I see everywhere, everyday. I wanted to put this theory to the test. 
1935 Dress Ad

I thought it would be an interesting  project if we, for the next 30 days wore nothing but dresses. 

Challenge Rules:

1) Nothing but dresses for the month of November
2) changing into work out or yoga gear to attend the gym or a legit class permitted, You must leave said activity in the dress you have arrived in
3) Snap a creative photo each day and share it on social media. Hashtag 30Days30Dresses
4) You may wear the same dress more than once. Flex that creative muscle and style it differently.

Participation is open to ALL. Size of your closet or budget for clothing are both irrelevant, It is about working with what you have. Try and think about what it would be like to re-style what is considered an evening look for daytime or what could you add to a dress to change the look completely? 

Before the excuses start to pop up: If you live in a climate that is transitioning into fall's cooler temperatures consider the the two L's Layering and Leggings. The same goes for people who's work environment that requires a lot of movement, hands on work, like a teacher for example, remember the 2 L's.

If you are just tuning in and the month has started you may still accept my challenge for as many days that are left in the month.

This challenge will build your style stamina and force you to be creative in your closet. 

Sydney's look Day 1: 
Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Just Fab

My Look: 
Vintage Mexicam Sundress
Shoes: SJP Collection TARTT Mary Jane's

Are you up to the challenge? Sydney and I would love for you to join us. 
I wont be posting here daily with our looks (maybe for a few special pieces) but follow my Instagram or LIKE my FB Page to see the looks.


  1. What a great challenge! I'm up for it !

  2. This blog is very good ..
    as well as the clothes are very beautiful to look at

  3. The 30-Day, 30-Dress Challenge sounds like an exciting and inspiring way to showcase personal style! It's a great initiative to promote creativity and sustainable fashion choices. Looking forward to seeing all the unique looks throughout the challenge. Thanks for sharing this fun and fashionable idea Wholesale African Clothing
